Utilizing the words “staying safe at work”, captures the essence of what Stay Safe training is able to provide. The words are not designed solely for the security profession or those working within or at licensed premises, live events, or concerts; they are intended for everyone, working at any site or location, including home where people gather and interact. It’s the issue of interaction with others where the potential for adversity and violence exists.

Everyone and anyone can benefit from a training program that encourages awareness, personal risk assessment and provides simple yet effective principles that permit de-escalation and personal safety options for all. Stay Safe means just that; becoming aware of potential risk and then being able to administer simple and effective measures to staying safe.


Managing of Resistive Behaviour (M.O.R.B.TM) has been designed to address the need for a safe and effective method of dealing with people who are displaying various levels of resistance (from passive to active). The program was developed in conjunction with front-line professionals in the healthcare, educational and security industry to mitigate the risk of civil and criminal liability. The methodology is to employ current “best practices” that can be shown to be “Court Defensible”. Stay Safe Instructional Programs (SSIP) is a wholly owned Canadian specialized training company with considerable experience and the requisite subject matter expertise. One of the most litigated aspects has become the application (perceived or otherwise) of force and/or the use of restraints on an individual that is under our care. M.O.R.B.TM was developed specifically to identify, understand and manage “resistive” or “noncompliant” behaviour prior to it escalating to aggressive or assaultive. As a result all efforts have been employed to ensure the material is compliant, consistent and current with applicable legal authorities and acceptable standards. The experiences and lessons learned by law enforcement as a result of litigation and legal rulings have been incorporated into the M.O.R.B.TM “Court Defensible” training programs. The program has been designed to provide front-line staff with simple, tested and industry-specific techniques to mitigate the risk of not only injury, but just as importantly civil and/or criminal liability.


PRICE: $249.99
(includes certification)  

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